Decembers nearly over, and no doubt a whole bunch of you (myself included) have piled on the pounds. If you haven't, then you haven't really done Christmas properly and I judge you a little.
Putting weight on in December is not a problem. It's normal. Its nothing to beat yourself up over.
Why? Because not all of it will be body fat. No doubt you've eaten a tonne of carbohydrates, a tonne of salt, and drank a tonne of booze. All that means you'll be holding onto more water than usual, and your muscles will be full to bursting with glycogen. Of course a little weight will be body fat, but not all, and once you get back to training and eating a bit more sensibly, that weight should drop off as quickly as it came.
I guess that's why New Years resolutions aren't such a bad thing. A mental and physical reset.
Because it doesn't matter that you weren't perfect. Just focus on making progress.