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Hi there, I'm Chris, but you can call me Maloney. 

My fitness journey started when I was 21. 

I was always a chubby kid. Even though I was quite active, I was always a little bit soft around the middle. When I started university, like many people, I piled on a bunch of weight. I stopped any form of exercise, and lived off of pizza and beer for nearly three years. I didn't understand the importance of fitness, or nutrition. And to be honest, I didn't really care at the time. But I left university fat, very unfit, and ultimately very unhappy.

Then I found the gym. I began to understand how to structure workouts, and began to learn a little about nutrition, and how the two were intertwined. The more I understood, the more my interest grew, and the more I wanted to learn. 

Why did I get into fitness?

Why do most people? After university I traveled Australia and America, and when I returned to the UK got a job in retail, working in store operations for M&S. It was an easy choice. Flexible hours, a physical job, and room for advancement. But after nearly 6 years in the industry, I found it unfulfilling. 

I wanted a job that made a difference (and that didn't mean that I had to wake up at 02:45 over the Christmas period) so after some soul searching, I began studying a physiotherapist, and as part of that, gained my level 3 personal training qualification.

And the rest,as they say, is history

So how does it work? 

You can either Email me, find me on socials, or use the chat button below to arrange your free consultation, and we go from there. During the consultation we discuss your goals, your exercise experience, likes and dislikes, and anything else that could affect your success. From there I'll create a bespoke training plan tailored to you

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