I don't often get a hangover. Or when I do, they're never normally that bad. But oh boy, yesterday was a bad day. I felt as though somebody had caved my skull in with a baseball bat.
I had plans for the day. Gym in the morning, Study in the afternoon, and have a couple of beers while watching the rugby.
Well that wasn't going to happen.
Why? Because I went out on Friday, and had maybe a million beers too many, so by the time Emma dragged me home, I was out of it.
I spent the entire day in bed, and between snoozes I was watching supernatural, eating crisps and drinking black current juice. I kept my phone off, put my watch away, and turned off the pinging notifications on my laptop. It was great. Not worrying about notifications, like a whole weight had been taken off of my shoulders. Or maybe that's just because my brain was scrambled?
Hangovers ain't so bad. They're a great excuse to do bugger all for a whole day. And, they're a great excuse to eat a whole bunch of crap. And today, I feel totally rested. Not an ache or pain on my body, and my brains are completely unscrambled. All because I spent a day away from my phone, relaxed, without a care in the world.
So today is the perfect day to get shit done. Crack on with some tidying around the house, get some studying done, and generally have a productive day. Maybe even start working on my book again.