Just a short one today folks. But an important one.
When we start going down the path of 'fitness', we're bombarded by a hundred and one different 'must do' exercises and diet plans. But what if you could pick only one?
Gun to your head, you had one choice to make, what would be the one change to your life that could be easily done and make you feel more energetic, more alert, happier, aid in hunger and digestion, make your skin softer and your hair shinier?
Maintain your hydration!
Seriously! It's that simple.
Just drink your fucking water. It's not rocket science.
Have a pint in the morning, a pint in the evening, and a couple of pints in between...
of water...
not beer.
Just to be clear.
I'm not saying that exercise and proper nutrition isn't important. Obviously drinking water isn't going to be the one thing that gets you fit, healthy and happy.
But, if you were to make one change today that would help get you on your way, this is a pretty good first step.