It's January, which seems to be a month where a whole load of people come down with 'man flu'. Its also the month where everybody and their mom is on some kind of diet (reduced calories), trying to lose weight.
Which begs the question, is it a good idea to diet whilst ill?
Short answer: No.
Your body's fighting off a virus, to do that it needs energy. That doesn't mean you need to eat a full tub of nutella (however much you want to) but it does mean that you should probably go up to maintenance calories. "But wont that hinder my progress?" Course it fucking will. Short term anyway.
But think long term. You're sick, that's your bodies way of telling you it's not working properly. So you work your calories up to maintenance. You wont put on fat, or gain a tonne of weight because you're eating at maintenance. Maintenance is simply what your body needs to function properly, without overworking.
So don't be a dick.