We are now six months into 2020.
We're half way through the year, are you half way to your goals for the year?
Of course you're not! The country has been closed for half that time.
But as we begin to open back up, and return to some semblance of normality, it's time to jump start your progress, and smash out the last half of the year. I know a bunch of you have continued to work out from home, and some of you have made some fantastic progress, but most of you (us) have eaten way too much and drank way too much.
But we're approaching the end of lockdown, or the easing of lockdown at least, and its time to get back on track.
So, here's a list of some basics:
Walk 10,000 steps a day,
Keeping active during the day is one simple step you can take to burn calories/energy and promote a calorie deficit. (this probably doesn't count as cardio)
Track your food intake,
Whether you're tracking calories, protein intake, or just listing the food and drink you're consuming, tracking your food is important in establishing patterns across your day or week.
Eat plenty of fruit and veg,
Kind of coincides with the previous tip, but just tracking what you eat isn't enough. Eating at least 5 portions of fruit and veg is important to ensure your body is getting the micro-nutrients (Vitamins and minerals) to not only just be sustained, but be the healthiest version of itself.
Drink plenty of water,
Drinking water and remaining hydrated should probably have been at the top of this list. Our bodies are approximately 70% water, and its important for keeping our internal organs running efficiently.
Weight train 2-3 times a week,
Weight training, along with adequate protein and water intake will help build muscle in a surplus, and preserve muscle in a deficit. the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest, the more food eat (and that's what its all about really isn't it?)