Last time I said that I had fallen out with writing.
That is not true.
I've figured it out.
Figured out why I believed that writing wasn't for me.
See, with my WIP, i had planned out every scene, in great detail.
Without actually writing it.
Just sort of bullet pointed the whole book.
It took the excitement out of the story. I thought it would save me time. Speed the process up a little, but the whole point of writing is uncovering the story. (that's what i think anyway) and when the story has been uncovered before the whole writing thing has begun, well whats the point really?
So i deleted my notes, and rewrote them as a rough guide, and i restarted my WIP. Because why not. I'm the boss of me, and i can do what i want. And you know what? I've written more in the past two weeks, than i have in the past six months. And its exciting me again. I cant wait to open the laptop and bust out a few hundred words.
Anyways. That's all i wanted to say.
I'm not really a moany bitch.
Until next time folks!