Training and working out, they're the same thing right?
Well, not wrong. I mean they're sort of around the same thing. They're synonyms. They both mean pretty much the same thing. There's really only one difference.
Working out. You walk into a gym, throw some weights around, maybe do a session on the treadmill. Your heart rate rises, you sweat, and you leave with a pretty decent pump. It's fun, but aimless.
When 'training' you're working toward a goal. You've got a clear plan, and are keeping a record of progressions.
Neither is right or wrong, and if your goal is to get a little fitter, lose a little weight, have fun and feel good about yourself then hitting the gym without a clear cut plan isn't a bad thing. But if you want to work toward something more 'clear cut'. To get a lot fitter, lose more weight, look better, stronger or whatever then you need a plan. You need to train, not workout.