Do you know what?
I've only read one book this year! it's fucking September guys, and I've only read one book! And I didn't even read it the full way though.

I realized this the other night, when i picked up a book and began to read, realizing that this was only the second book that I've picked up this year.
I have a long list of books that i want to read. And I've kept adding to this list over the past nine months, but I haven't crossed any names off. And that's ridiculous. And you know what? my writing (and my ideas) have suffered because of this.
Readings important to us writers see. It's how we work out our brain so it gets big and beautiful and creates worlds.
So what's the point of this post?
I'm putting the WIP on the backburner for a month or so, maybe even until next year, so i can get some reading in and then go back to it. Brain fresh, and (hopefully) full of ideas.