It’s over! It’s finally bloody over!
Writing and rewriting and editing, for months and months of seemingly never ending torment. They’re done. My book, my first book, ‘The Travellers’ was published on amazon kindle today. That’s right. The thing I’ve been talking about for years actually, has finally been accomplished.
I am now a published author. So I figured I’d be able to relax a little now. Stop thinking about it so much. But that isn’t the case. It’s like a drug I now realise, this whole publishing malarkey.
Seeing that first sale, it was a high that I’ll never be able to beat. I’ll chase it, I kind have to. So instead of relaxing, like a normal person after months of hard graft, I’ve begun again. Bashing out the draft for the second Travellers book, all the while learning more and more about the craft of writing. I’ve got off topic slightly.
Where was i? Oh yes, first book. So it’s out on the kindle store for 0.99 of whatever currency you get involved in, available to download from the amazon store. You can get to it from the ‘My Books’ tab up at the top of the page, or follow this link here which I'm pretty sure takes you to your own national amazon page… I followed a guide and everything.
Anyways, buy my book.
That is all.