I bloody hate editing.
I’m editing my WIP, The Travelers, and I’ve read through it so much, I’m not sure words even make sense any more. I was staring at one sentence for maybe twenty minutes yesterday, wondering what in the hell it was supposed to mean. I’ve been at it for a couple of months now and I’m not even half way through, and I hate it. I’m literally just pointing out reasons why I’m shit, reading things and thinking who on earth wrote that! Then realising that it’s me.
My plan to get done by the end of the month is still in reach though, maybe not published by then, but finished this round of edits and it’ll be up next month. Maybe the 17th of May? It’s my birthday see, that’ll be a nice present to myself. To see my name in print… in digital print.
Ok, the 17th of May it is. Until then ladies and gents, until then
Maybe i should give up the internet