Nearly a fiver for a pint!
The cheek!
Im out In prestwick, a small town juat down the road. It’s nothing special. Another south Ayrshire sea side town. A bit bland.
And im in a bar, waiting on some pals. I came early because I don’t understand trains or distance. I figured I’d have a couple before they get here. So I order my beer, and at first, I thought I misheard the barman. So I hand over my £5, and stare dismally at the lonely 20p he hands back along with what is at best, a mediocre beer.
So instead of being three beers deep, I’m slowly nursing the first one, almost afraid to finish it. A little afraid the £20 I brought out with me won’t cover the night.
At least one good thing has come out of this.
I can’t afford to get drunk... meaning, I cant afford a hangover.
Silver linings right?