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Friday Night Freakout

Last Friday stuff happened. Last Friday, I experienced a late night, drunken freak out.

I was out out with some folks from work. I don’t go on nights out with folks from work often. But that night I did. It was a pals leaving do. She’s moved to England (upgraded her life in my Opinion) so I made an expeption, and out I popped. A few beers, a few laughs. Sounded like a good idea.

And it sort of was. I had a laugh. I get chatty (and maybe a little flirty but I can’t help being beautiful)

And then someone asked about the wedding. And I realised that there was only 6 weeks to go. That’s when I began to freak out.

Not so much about getting married, or spending the rest of my life with someone, or all that other stuff (well? maybe a little, but not too much)


I began to freak out because other than the location, and the bride, I know fuck all about this wedding.

Now I’ve sobered up, but there’s a bit of panic in the back of my mind. And I can’t ignore it.

So get ready for saturdays post.

Dealing with panic and nerves.

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