It looks like in ‘over’ writing. Like I said last tine, I have A head brimming with ideas, but when I sit in front of the laptop, or notebook, or even the notes section on my phone, nothing wants to come. I just want to get on with whatever bullshit the day had thrown at me. It’s too much like work.
Ive been told I just need a rest. A break from writing. But at what point does a break become a break-up? Can you even break up with an activity?
So what next?
Whats next in the life of Maloney?
Well I have no idea. None. Not a scooby. But that’s fun right?
I‘ve started back at college. Doing a biology course (AIM to become a physiotherapis)
but that doesn’t help the creative in me.
What do you guys do?
What happens when life takes over?
how do you keep on creating?