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Back to the grind!

Evening nation.

So today marked my first day back at work in two weeks, and it was the hardest morning I've faced in a while. I forgot how tough it was getting up at 03:30, trying to force down breakfast because you know it could be half a day before you get a break. But I'm not complaining. I do rather enjoy my job. And I don't feel as though I've wasted my time off.

The first week we were away. Ok, I didn't get much writing done, but we were busy. But last week i got plenty done. I wrote a new book, complete, beginning to end. I also passed my second of two exams for my online college course, and i finished decorating my den... a whole year (and a bit more) after moving in.

It was a big project ok?

But all that's over.

Time to get back to work.

Its been nice, you know? Not being tired all the time.

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