It’s been over a month since my last post, blooming heck! Well what’s been going on? I’ve reapplied for the RAF, it’s been difficult. See because I’ve travelled I’ve had to put together an itinerary of everything I did while out of the country, which (and excuse me now for using this phrase) has been an emotional roller coaster! There was just so much I did, and so many good memories that nothing I could put into words would quite capture the experiences. but with the help of my beloved, I gave it a good go, which means I’m now just waiting around for them (whoever them is) to finish checking up on me, making sure I wasn’t building killer robots for some cartoonish supervillain I guess.
I’ve had a birthday that was nice, got a year older, ate some cake, got some presents. Clothes. At what age does that become the norm? I wanted Lego, and got a buck tonne of clothes, and a pair of shoes. I mean come on, I’m not a woman, where are my toys?! Haha. It was a nice weekend though, we (me and the little woman) visited Whitby. She'd never been before! Can you believe that? Well, she'd never been to Yorkshire before she met me so it’s understandable, but still, WHITBY! Its home to some of my best childhood memories, counting the steps, eating rock, camping in the rain (but then sleeping in the car, its bloody cold on the coast right?) Managed to get a table at the Magpie too. That was nice. Nothing too special though, a little overpriced, but nice enough, and now I can say I’ve had fish and chips at the Magpie, because that’s an accolade isn’t it! Something people care about.
What else? Not much. That’s a pretty boring month. You can see why I’ve not posted anything can’t you. There’s been nothing to write about. Hopefully there'll be something more interesting next time, who knows.